Occupy Wall Street march September 24th 2011.
The peaceful
Occupy Wall Street protest march turned violent as the NYPD corralled and pepper sprayed the participants. Mass arrests were made and loaded onto a NYC bus further locking traffic. The protest march took a route from Zuccotti Park to Union Square on East 14th Street. The protesters were marching back to Zuccotti Park when the NYPD turned violent. Hitting, arresting and forcing protesters into a small area. At that point a NYPD supervisor yelled shut up to one of the protesters and shot pepper spray into her eyes point blank range and hitting a half dozen protesters (including 3 police officers) when they had nowhere to go. The same supervising officer was seen (photographed) laughing after the arrests while looking at his text messages. The peaceful protest march started as 300 participants but rose to over 1,000 as the event stopped traffic in lower Manhattan. People spontaneously joined the march over a 2 hour period.
More Protest Photos
Brooklyn Bridge Arrests
NYPD making brutal arrests during march |
This supervisor was the pepper spray officer. I see him and one other person walk up to the female victim and then an arm reach out with pepper spray. Here is a slow motion video...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZ05rWx1pig and this video at the 1:15 mark shows him walking up the spot - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMoKsZp5iao.
I still haven't washed off the splattered milk from my shoes. We had to use milk to wash the pepper spray out the woman's eyes. I still hear her screaming in pain, I can't believe they pepper sprayed a deaf woman. Her sobbing, saying how much it hurt as we held her head spraying milk into her eyes and on her face. The last time I saw her, we had to flee from the police who were arresting everyone on 12th street. She escaped into a movie theater with the help of others because she still couldn't open her eyes. After witnessing how much pain she was in I will never forget what this man did on a physical and emotional level to many people on Saturday. He created a war zone. I don't want to think that all of the NYPD is like this because I also met some very fine members of our cities police force on Saturday. Officers who cared about people and the protesters. I looked around at the police officers who were holding the net around us right after the pepper spray was discharged and they were flabbergasted. Three policemen were in the line of fire and almost got hit. Many of them stared down with sad eyes, not able to let go off the orange barrier to help a human being. They had to do their job but I know concern was in their minds. |
Close up of badge |
NYPD supervisor Bologna who maced woman in face point blank |
Occupy Wall Street arrest |
Occupy Wall Street - Arrests start early during march |
Occupy Wall Street police arrest |
Occupy Wall Street police arrest arrest |
Arrested for filming |
Occupy Wall Street march of 1000 people |
PBS correspondent arrested during Occupy Wall Street march |
Occupy Wall Street arrested being stored on a bus |
2 70 year old ladies arrested Occupy Wall Street march |
Occupy Wall Street police arrests after march to Union Square |
Occupy Wall Street is the first movement of many more to come. Even with Police violence. All rights reserved (copyright) by davidscameracraft - of course artists need to make money... click on an ad or
media inquiries for photos
or email me - davidscameracraft@gmail.com
Sorry for the advertising... just trying to eat.
More protest photos
Great photo journalism David. Bravo! Michael "WHITEAGLE" Melville
Wow - these are true snapshots - I don't know how many zillion pictures you had to take to get them... THANKS!!!
It is shocking to me that people still believe we have no censorship in America. It's the 8 th day of protests & I've just gotten wind of this (via twitter). America does need to wake up before we completely become a police state.
Astounding, senseless brutality against kids, regular peaceful people, and two great-grandmothers. Congratulations, NYPD. Your bosses made you look like malicious thugs. Thank Wall Street.
Wonderful work. Thank you. No need to apologize about the ads. I hope you get a lot of visits (people need to know) and thus make some money too. Please keep it up. The main stream media is useless.
Maybe that policeman was laughing at a photo his wife had just sent him of his three year old kid. Did you ever stop to think that. I am sure he is relieved that pepper spray is the most amount of force he had to use that day in doing his job. I have found the NYPD to be a very respective group of law enforcement officers who do their best to do a good job in what is many times a very difficult and tense situation.
Animo, valientes. From Spain. Occupy the world.
Animo, valientes. From Spain. Occupy the world.
i saw on a comment on youtube that one of the women maced was deaf, do you know if this is true??
*ponders this*..
While the pepper spray was pretty bad, we were there for part of it. Lots of people at that instance jumped behind the orange barricade. The girl that got hit directly was shoving stuff in the face of the cops, from her hands and papers to someone's camera at one point. The dude above the "brutal arrest" caption not only jumped a barricade but also shoved a police officer. This incident turned "violent" on the protesters' end before the cops retaliated (and sometimes this was a large overreaction).
Thanks much! These pictures are so much better than anything available on the net. Great work!!!
Watch the video. These people have every right to protest in a public space. There was NO reason for that cop to use spray. None. They caged them off, then attacked with mace. Just to set an example. Do You have any idea what Wall Street is doing to America? Zombie.
Wasn't there a time when America was proud of the fact that it valued 'Freedom of Speech' above all things? Where has that time gone?
Nice work.
rebecca, there was no reason whatsoever to pepper spray anyone during this protest. Blatant abuse of power.
Bless you.
Everyone has to eat.
Keep up the fine work, and NY WE STAND WITH YOU! Remember, they want you to respond with violence. They understand how to respond to violence. They do not understand peace. It scares them.
Hey, Rebecca, have you actually watched any of the footage? The women were behind an orange fence, on the sidewalk where they were told to be. He did it out of spite, he did it because he COULD, he disgraced his uniform and betrayed his fellow officers. This was a peaceful protest, we have live video feed of the entire event. Bologna is not the only cop to abuse his power and the others are being identified as we speak. If NYPD won't police their own then we, the citizens, MUST.
Who was protesting and what were they protesting?
It is disgusting, to say the LEAST!! I have been trying to notify as many as possible, and they have the same reaction as Kye Sangha. Seems my posts are 'unseen' until someone LOOKS for them...
Spread the word, and especially the pictures!!! Great Job
Revolution has arrived in the USA. The time has come to galvanize!
Thank you for reporting this. It means a lot to me. Just to clear up confusion. I am not deaf. I can hear fine in my right ear, but in my left, it is a struggle to hear anything. I just wanted to clear that up so you were not misinformed.
We need to send more people to continue the protest march on Wall Street. And this time where gas mask and anything you can use to protect yourself from the mace. What right does a police officer have if he isn't upholding the law to attack a person?
Timmytheturtle, you are making some very important allegations. Is there some way we can see evidence about who you are and that you were there?
No? I didn't think so.
Thank you for your excellent coverage of this tragic event. I have posted this information in blog format at http://reflectionofabuddhistmonk.com/2011/09/26/occupy-wall-street-march-turns-violent-for-peaceful-demonstrators/ I have tried to make sure full credit was given to you. Please let me know if I have failed in this regard and I will remove my article. Thank you again. Caine Das
Is it illegal to protest in the USA ?
I don't understand why the police have to lie when they know they are on camera. If the police continue to do this , surely this will only cause riots. And why is this not on the News in NZ ?
The second video USlaw.com posted showed what happened right before the pepper spray incident. It looked like as they arrested a man outside the barricade, they started chanting "shame" at the police. Then, a cop grabbed a black woman and started hitting her. That caused the disturbance that brought the more senior officer over who pepper sprayed other bystanders. However the video is a little confusing. Since you were there, can you shed any light on what happened right before this incident? The whole thing is disturbing but context is helpful. I found the second video more violent then the actual pepper spray incident though both are horrible.
Really sad to see Fotos like this from my beloved NYC :(
Support from The U.K. mate...........well done :)
Thank you for the posts..
Support from The U.K. - mate , keep up the excellent work :)
in Chile the Police don't use badges when "attack" the students /: ! so is difficult know WHO was....
and the law say "all police need use badges ALL MOMENT"
well, be strong there in USA (: !
David, in some of your shots (and probably others) you see the memo that Bologna is holding - and highlights.
From your originals - if you blow them up - can you make out what is said.
It would be very interesting to see if it is related to the escalation/initiation of violence.
Thanks for your bravery in placing this in the public arena. I hope they use your work to bust this SOB, and make sure he looses all his benefits.
you have my support from iceland. im happy to see people are starting to wake up to the corruption. i cant believe some of the videos, total misuse of power.
I am so disgusted by their (more specifically Bologna's) wretched abuse of power and their violent and unnecessary behavior. How am I ever supposed to feel safe when in reality THEY are the enemies? Makes me so sad for humanity.
i want to help u all, but i cant go to NY to the protest march cuz i have bad heath, is there anything i can do from home to help u all
Great job!! Yeah, we should go in there with protection and chemistry goggles! I hope this officer gets what he deserves, he has such a hideous heart.
Rebecca, so do you if you think it is okay to mace innocent young women on the street!
Thanks for capturing these telling photos. Good work!
I know and am related to a lot of cops, if that makes me biased so-be-it. But, I still feel that you cannot criticize anyone unless you have spent time in their shoes. Do not forget that many of those cops were most likely pushed, verbally antagonized and blamed for things they probably had no other choice to do. Their jobs are not easy; the put their lives on the line everyday as do other civil service men and women in this country. In one video I heard someone chant that we as New Yorkers are paying them [police officers] to protect us. That is absolutely true, so when their are protestors that get out of hand (and I am not saying all of them did) they need to protect them from harming themselves and other people around them. Humans have a biological response to fight back and each person has the right to stand up for themselves and what they believe in. But, what may have started as a peaceful protest definitely turned into a more violent one than expected. Police had to step in because human emotions get the better of people especially in such large numbers, and someone was bound to get hurt with or without police presence; this is New York, it has happened several times in our history. Also, there are several ways to make a point and be heard that are more civil, practical, and efficient. Also, and this is a personal opinion, I think more people need to speak up about other industries like water bottling companies, food processors, and food distributors that are committing violent acts against nature every minute of every day and ruining our earth. This is something more worthwhile to me. Please have understanding for the tough decisions policemen and women have to make everyday. Hope that their training and instincts keep us safe everyday and that they stand by those they serve as they do every day.
People need to WAKE UP!!!! Not all cops are bad; however, there are extremely too many examples of cops clearly abusing their power and even worse, afterwards, the dept. does what it can to cover-up. Officers who abuse the authority placed upon them should receive appropriate punishment (including, but not limited to: PUBLIC reprimand to criminal charges possibly leading to prison time)
Maybe Rebecca should visit the link below to educate herself.
great work. thank you for documenting this political history of the people
thanks to all the courageous people involved!
It is amazing that more people don't point the finger at the cops. They are walking around with guns, pepper spray, the law on their side etc.. Is it really necessary to pepper spray the woman? She was there because something is broken in this country, not because she was bored. So in my opinion, the cops reaction was indicative of the problem that currently exists. Too much power and greed and not enough intelligence or empathy!!!
Just called the numbers listed on today's occupywallst.org home page. Use the second listed Bloomberg office number and a human will answer the line.
The NYC Call Center number is 1-212-639-9675, where you can file a complaint.
And we shamelessly "advise" Syria and Libya to respect Human Rights. It is better to live in these countries where you know you are living under a brutal dictator than this false pride of living in nation with great respect for Human values. NYPD and Bloomberg are as worse, or should I say as Good, as Gaddafi and Assad!!!
@Rebecca; You could only believe that if you haven't had to deal with them in your neighborhood. Also, if you were a person of color, you also couldn't agree with that mostly. 600,000 stop and frisks with less than 5% even being ticketed. That's harassment and social control, not domestic societal policing.
hello french people are so proud of americain protest ! bravo ! Now, here, some bigin to take pictures of naughty cops, when they hit protesters,dressed like you and me...Big scandal here. no pasaran
The true problem with this is that it's uninformed and misguided. Look, we're all angry. Every country in the world is hurting financially. So no one is disputing the need for change, and yes, moderation. The system—which is allowing corporate mega-giants to buy laws—is becoming undemocratic. However, an energetic rally on Wall St. by mostly (not all) middle-class, unemployed, white twenty-somethings is just dumb. What are they protesting specifically, besides the vague, hackneyed idea of greedy corporate men and their $1000 champagne? Are they protesting specific companies, i.e. are they aware Wall St. is a conglomeration? Are they protesting certain practices? Economic structures? Certain CEOs? What? Do they really know the intricate workings of Wall St. well enough to truly discern that the NYSE is the real culprit here? How many of these kids protesting student debt with cardboard signs have hard-working parents who funded their college tuition, in part, from their salary from a private company?
Bankers can be our friends. Don't forget, bankers lend to people, to prospective home-owners, to small businesses, and not just mega-corporations. We need to encourage banks to lend, encourage them to grow. What exactly do you accomplish by protesting Wall St.? If you want change, you change laws; you go after policy-makers. You go rally outside the Fed, you demand the resignation of Ben Bernanke, you write letters to members of Congress, you educate yourself and others. You don't form drum circles in Downtown NY, yell obscenities at middle-class, unionized police officers, and you don't push and shove so you can be seen on CNN or MSNBC. (Sorry, folks, Radiohead ended up not playing, and Susan Sarandon went back to her really nice apartment).
I know our generation is disillusioned, and I know we suffer from chronic cynicism. I know we only know a post-911 adulthood, I know our parents made history with Civil Rights, and I know we are detached from our humanity with our cyber-addictions. It's cathartic to bang drums, to make history, to yell, and hell, to even get arrested. It gives us credibility, gives us life. But, please, convert that energy into education. Convert that energy into searching with more vigor for a job. I've been unemployed for quite some time (came home from long days in tears of frustration) but I'm just beginning to find opportunities. They're out there. Fight for ideas, fight for civil rights, fight for federal gay marriage, fight disease, but don't fight an enemy you haven't clearly defined. We can't afford to be naive or ignorant.
(PS. The irony of the protesters using the McDonald's bathroom and perusing cyberspace on their Mac computers goes without saying).
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It is bound to happen, those who laugh now will not laugh when they get what they dished out to those innocent people, nature has a way of completing its circle, whatever goes around will come around eventually, Planet is purging its evil, so try and be peaceful in our protests and according to our conscience, things will eventually turn around for the better after the purge
Wow, great journalism.
This cannot go unnoticed, your changing things!
Keep investigating!
What on earth was their basis for the arrests they made? Why would they feel the need to arrest grandmothers and a PBS correspondent? Did they really think the grandmothers were a physical threat? Were the arrests just arbitrary?
Thanks for an excellent article! I appreciate your insights and agree with what you wrote. pest control
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