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700 Arrested During Occupy Wall Street March

Sunday, October 2, 2011
The Occupy Wall Street march to Brooklyn Bridge Park on October 1st 2011. As I was photographing the protesters being arrested, the thought, "The Police have just caused 10 times more traffic congestion than the protesters would have" entered my mind. Whether the group of protesters were led to the roadway by the NYPD or not. This does seem like another example of wasted NYC resources in the name of "We have the bigger stick" by the New York City government. 

This video does show the NYPD leading the protesters onto the roadway -  Protesters on Bridge and this one Video of Brooklyn Bridge Occupy Wall Street march.

The Police CLOSED the Bridge for more than an hour. I have been told by people in the march that the Police did let people at the back of the roadway portion of the march leave the area. The people I talked to were students, teachers and college professors. I am not sure how many they let pass or if there was some sort of qualification. It is obvious that not everyone was allowed to turn back.

I am happy there was very little physical violence today... I am proud that so many people showed up for the march. I estimate between 3 and 4 thousand people showed up to the march. I don't think the marchers should have been arrested. Total political move by the City of New York. Some reporters I was photographing with told me this is an old and common tactic the NYPD uses.

Occupy Wall Street March
March on the Brooklyn Bridge being led by the police

Standoff with police

Occupy Wall Street March

Occupy Wall Street on Brooklyn Bridge

Police Action on the Brooklyn Bridge

Arrests on the Brooklyn Bridge

Peaceful protesters being trapped

Occupy Wall Street march aresst

Scene of the Occupy Wall Street roadway march

Marcher being arrested

What is your name? Legal observers were taking names from the walkway above

700 marchers arrested during Occupy Wall Street march

Holding on to each other tight

Occupy Wall Street March on Brooklyn Bridge

Police blocked off the Brooklyn Bridge

Other photos from the previous two weeks of Occupy Wall Street. Media can contact me directly - email - for permission to use the photos. makes sense - If you make money from my work - well I should be able to buy more than a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Keep on marching until there is equity in or society.


Anonymous at: October 2, 2011 at 2:20 PM said...

Beautiful. Thank you.

{ futurebird } at: October 3, 2011 at 11:09 PM said...

Amazing work.

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